Thursday 5 June 2008

Aerosmith - Tyler In Rehab To Recover From Foot Surgery Not Drugs

AEROSMITH rocker STEVEN TYLER has cleared up rumours about his health, insisting his recent decision to check himself into a rehab facility follows a series of secret foot injuries.

Reports have suggested the former hellraiser, 60, has been struggling with his drink and drug demons again - but Tyler states the stories are wildly exaggerated.

He insists he's recovering from painful surgery, not detoxing.

In a statement, Tyler says, "The doctors told me the pain in my feet could be corrected but it would require a few surgeries over time.

"The 'foot repair' pain was intense, greater than I'd anticipated. The months of rehabilitative care and the painful strain of physical therapy were traumatic (and) I really needed a safe environment to recuperate where I could shut off my phone and get back on my feet."

Ironically, Tyler's bandmate Joe Perry is currently recovering from knee-replacement surgery. The guitarist went under the knife in March (08) and is now walking around with the aid of a cane.

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